LightsIf someone said to you, “you are street smart”. Take it is as compliment!

“Street Smarts” is an urban venacular term to describe an individual who can quickly assess an environment or situation, determine the key metrics that increase the probability for success, and then have the personal characteristics to succeed and win.

For the business executive, being “Street Smart” means that you can think fast on your feet, make quick decisions on limited data, have a magnetic personality that attracts others, and have the tenacity and creativity required to close the deal.

In this blog, I share my personal experiences and lessons learned as a way of introducing you to the “Street Smart” principles that can benefit you on your business journey.

2 Responses to “What is “Street Smarts”?”

  1. Andrew Crisp Says:

    Hi Rob,

    I spotted your question on LinkedIn regards self publishing.

    What publishing route did you take in the end? Have you published in eBook format? How are sales?

    Hope the experience has been a positive one!

    Best regards,
    Andrew Crisp

  2. rdayjr Says:

    Hi Andrew,

    I ended up self-publishing with Booksurge and the experience has been very positive. I did get an offer from a publisher very late in my writing process and because their royalty was so low and I had already done most of the work — I decided to go the self-publishing route. I have not done an ebook format, but I am thinking about it.

    Sales success is probably a relative measuring stick, but from my personal expectations sales are double what I thought they would be. Markeitng does help as I have appeared on 2 radio shows and I was recently received an award for best business book for 2009. Two to three days after each of these events, sales spiked alot. One of the issues I have is that I never know who actually buys the book as it will never come out in a royalty report. So in a couple of instances, I have had some moderate sized orders, but can’t tell who made the purchase.

    Still early, but I am pleased thus far with Booksurge and my sales.


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